
First Things is a publication of The Institute on Religion and Public Life. The Institute’s mission is to advance a religiously informed public philosophy for the ordering of society. Patrick wrote an article for First Things about the importance of architecture for classical education.

Plough Quarterly is a publication of Plough Publishing House, an independent publisher of books and magazines on faith, society, and the spiritual life founded in 1920. Patrick wrote an article about anti-fascists activists in Portland, Oregon for the Spring, 2021 print edition of Plough.

The American Conservative is published by the American Ideas Institute. They seek to advance “Main Street” conservatism in the United States. Patrick wrote an essay about the Swiss-French architect, urban planner, and born totalitarian Le Corbusier for The American Conservative.

America Media and America Magazine are leaders in Catholic thought. They publish news and opinion pieces on the intersection between Catholicism and American culture. Patrick wrote for America about the New York Encounter, and about racial prejudice in Catholic homeschooling curricula.

Public Discourse is the online journal of the Witherspoon Institute which seeks to enhance public understanding of the moral foundations of free societies by making the scholarship of their fellows and affiliated scholars available and accessible to a general audience. Patrick wrote for Public Discourse about the cultural currents behind political extremism.

Breaking Ground is a collaborative web commons created by Comment Magazine in partnership with Plough Quarterly and The Davenant Institute that seeks to bring together diverse voices to respond to the needs of this time, especially in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, systemic racism, and social unrest. Patrick wrote about the protests in Portland for Breaking Ground.

Church Life Journal, part of the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame, publishes Catholic scholarship for both popular and academic audiences. Patrick’s piece on the novel Brideshead Revisited was published by Church Life Journal.

Veritas Journal is a work of Trinity Schools, a national network of classically-oriented private schools dedicated to providing an education that awakens students to the true, the good, and the beautiful; to the reality of the human condition; and the world in which they live. Veritas Journal was founded to extend our community of learners and provide an even wider forum for the discussion of education in this highest sense. Patrick is a contributing editor for Veritas Journal. His first article there discusses classical education as a response to the Augustinian “restless heart.”

Grotto Network, which operates out of the University of Notre Dame, is a faith-based publication that focuses on story-telling, and is geared towards millennials. Patrick has written for Grotto about the friendship that developed between him and his barber, and about poet-farmer-novelist-critic-curmudgeon Wendell Berry.